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 Risk to Reward Ratio in Forex Trading

Risk to Reward Ratio in Forex Trading

Gad Forex Trading Course 

Risk to Reward Ratio in Forex Trading

As I said in the previous article, risk is the amount of money that you might lose if your trades hits your stop loss order.

Every time you place a trade, your expected reward should be greater than your risk. For example, if you are risking 10 dollars in a trade, your expected reward can be around 20 or 15 dollars.

If you are risking 10 dollars and you expect a reward of 20 dollars, that is a risk to reward ratio of 1:2

This means that whenever you place a trade, your take profit order should be in a level that ensures you more reward than what you have risked.

This gives you an edge whenever you enter in a trade.

However, setting a very large risk to reward ratio will negatively affect your winning rate, which is also very important.

So you should avoid very huge risk to reward ratios like 1:3 because your winning rate will be very low.

Remember, you only make money after winning a trade.

Even with a winning rate of only 50% and a risk to reward ratio of 1:1.5, you will make money in the long-run.

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